Monday, March 03, 2008

3 Women i admire most

When my cousin asked me to describe the three women i admire most, the obvious answer was to pick my mother and my two sisters. However for this purpose, they shall be counted as one.

The reason i admire them is that all of them are possessed of a dignity and strength of character that has had me shaking my head in admiration and pride any number of times. Always ready for a laugh, and always positive, they are poster women(if i may use the term) for how to deal with life's viccisitudes that included at one point a fairly spoilt kid brother/son.

So that leaves me with two more people to pick. Personally i find this harder to do as these are merely impressions formed through a combination of reading and hearsay.

Kasturibhai Gandhi - I am great admirer of Mahatma Gandhi. Reams have been written about the Mahatma's selflessness and dedication to the cause of an independent india. But somewhere in my opinion, to be selfless to the outside world, it requires paradoxically a certain amount of selfishness at home. And the person who had to bear that side of the great man had to be his wife. As the saying goes, behind every great man lies a great woman who enabled him to be so.

Angelina Jolie - We cant always control how we look, but Angelina Jolie strikes me as a person who has put her god given gifts to the betterment of her fellow brethren. Once again, a large part of it is perception, but given the number of celebrities who remain in the news for the silly things they do, it is good to see atleast one celebrity who understands that fame while it can change one's own life can alos be used to change other peoples.


At August 20, 2009 at 11:11:00 PM PDT , Blogger Srivalli said...

wow..thats a nice way to look at!


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